Free charity eventticketing

Planning fundraisers for your charity can be a daunting task, but selling tickets doesn't have to be. With our easy-to-use platform, you can create and sell tickets for your events quickly and efficiently – with no booking fees for you or your donors.

Charity image

Efficient fundraising

Everything you need for a successful event

Not only is our service free for charities, we also offer a range of features to help make your event a success. Customize your event page and PDF tickets, track ticket sales, and even integrate ticketing with other systems you use through Zapier.


100% of ticketing funds are paid in real-time through a Stripe account created for you.

Your Website

Integrate your ticket purchasing system into your own website, with no need to click away.


Scan attendees' QR code tickets quickly by using any internet-connected device with a camera.

Customized Checkout

Brand your ticketing checkout with your own logo and background to reflect your event's style.

Custom Tickets

Style your PDF tickets with maps, terms, sponsor logos, ads & any other event assets you choose.

Hidden Ticket Types

Give purchasers a code to unlock special tickets or pricing not available to the public.

If you are a charity selling less than 1,000 tickets and your events are general admission, you can use the Mighty Tix platform at no charge. Stripe merchant fees will be deducted from your transactions however charities can also apply to Stripe for these fees to be reduced.

Charity image

Charity ticketing

We’d love to help

Sign up today and start creating your event. When you're ready, get in touch with our support team who will move qualifying charities onto a free account to sell up to 1,000 general admission tickets at no charge.